The central topic of the Industrial biotech program, consisting of two PhD projects, is the influence of the extracellular metabolome on the intracellular metabolome and vice versa. At the start of NMC, with its main focus on human applications, two organisations in the Netherlands (TU Delft and TNO) already had a sound track record with respect to metabolomics research in Industrial Biotechnology applications. It was clear that in the framework of NGI both organisations would be the ideal partners for the NMC associate projects.As the yeast Saccharomyces is the most widely used microorganism in industrial biotechnology, this has been chosen in both projects. In spite of world-wide efforts, its metabolism still is not fully understood and is one of the research topics in the Kluyver institute. The support of the core projects by applying the new developments, especially combining various datasets, will be a necessity in order to be successful. The first project started March 2009; the second project started only September 2010.
Industrial biotechnology
As the central item of the Industrial Biotechnology program, we have chosen to use the metabolomics infrastructure present at TU Delft, TNO, NMC and DSM to study the influence of the extracellular metabolome on the intracellular metabolome and vice versa. As the yeast Saccharomyces is the most widely used microorganism in industrial biotechnology this has been chosen in both projects.
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